
New Cumnock Website Links

Through these pages we look to forward to revealing, sharing, understanding , enjoying, promoting and preserving the rich heritage of the parish of New Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. To better appreciate Scotland’s place in the world let’s appreciate and celebrate New Cumnock’s place in Scotland.

An excellent website by Bobby Guthrie that illustrates the history of New Cumnock in bygone days.

A study of the war memorials and military burials in New Cumnock by Richard M Bain.

The official website of Glenafton Athletic Junior Football Club by Bobby Guthrie.

The website of New Cumnock Swimming Pool.

Cumnock History Group are a constituted Voluntary Group of people of all ages and from all walks of life who all share an interest in the history and heritage of Cumnock and how the past has influenced the present.