
The idea for this web site came about after a visit to Donald McIver (pictured below), author and New Cumnock historian.


When I saw the vast amount of photographs and postcards that Donald has collected over many years, I suggested to Donald that we make these photographs available to the world via a web site and he agreed that this was a good idea.

The site was formed in 2002 and has gone from strength to strength with the help of visitors who have sent pictures, names, stories etc and made wonderful contributions through the guest book.

One of the most satisfying aspects of running the web site is answering the many queries that come in via email,
 which I often have to send an SOS out to the more knowledgeable people such as Paddy and Mary Dornan, Bobby Rogerson, Bobby Guthrie, Alex Jess or John Walker.
I would like to offer my thanks to those mentioned above and of course to the many people who have kindly contributed to the
site in one way or another.

I would also like to thank Paul Dunderdale for assisting with my many ColdFusion issues and Yvonne Connelly for testing each and every page so that content was at least legible to the user.

Stephen Kennedy, Site Administrator.
Former resident of 45 Lime Road, New Cumnock now residing in Irvine.