A few weeks ago Councillor Jimmy Carmichael handed me a document that was the Minutes of the New Cumnock Tenants Association. I am grateful to Jimmy Carmichael for making this historical document available to be read and shared by visitors to the website. The Minutes cover the years from 23rd November 1952 until 28th October 1981 when the final meeting to ‘wind up’ the Tenant’s Association was held.
The document presents a few challenges as to how it should be displayed. That is, as it is written in longhand, it may not be easily read by some people and it goes beyond the normal A4 scanning measures per page. I therefore intend to retype the Minutes in a more readable form to fit the screen. This is not a task that I am particularly looking forward too but at least it should produce a readable copy. If anyone has knowledge or information about the Tenant’s Association I will be pleased to receive it.
New Cumnock Tenant’s Association
Committee Meeting in Town Hall
23 – 11- 52
All moneys and receipts concerning business from the 19th October were handed over, checked and taken over by the joint treasurers as correct.
Committee members present were as follows:
The Mrs. Lamont, Marshall, MacDonald, MacGregor, Sim, Rorrison, Dickson, Murdoch and Goudie.
Messrs. A.Clelland, R. Pollock, J. McHallam, R. White, S. Barrie, C, Goudie, T. Hose, P. MacGregor, A. Wark, J. Young, A. Kilpatrick and Wells.
After discussion it was decided to carry on paying benefits in the same way as before.
It was agreed that only fully paid members would be accepted as transferred from Netherthird Tenant’s Association.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting In Town Hall
14 – 12 – 52
The proceeds of the social held on the 13/12/52 were collected and checked. The finding was as follows.
Total Income Expenditure Deficit
£18 – 15 – 9 £19 – 9 – 2 13/5
After discussion it was proposed to sell the tickets for the shawl raffle, at 4D[or 4p] each. The committee were unanimous in this.
Mrs MacGregor proposed a ‘Burn’s Supper’ night to be held about the 25th January 1953. Mrs Lin seconded the motion.
Committee present were as follows: Mrs Lamont, MacGregor, Sim, Marshall, MacDonald.
Messrs. J. McHallam, R. Pollock, R. White, J. Young & J. Kilpatrick.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting In Town Hall
The minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mrs Sim seconded by J. Kilpatrick.
Mr McHallam moved that the association book the town hall for a basket whist on the 2nd October 1953. Mr Clelland seconded the motion.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting In Town Hall
2 – 2 – 53
The minute of previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mr MacGregor seconded by Mr McHallam.
The proceeds of the Burn’s Supper held on the 24th January 1953 were checked. The finding was as follows:
Total Income Total Expenditure Balance
£34 – 10 – 0 £26 – 12 – 5 1/2 £7 – 17 – 6 1/2
Committee present were as follows:
Mrs Rorrison, Mrs Sim, Mrs MacGregor, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Lamont, Mrs MacDonald.
Mr Wark, Mr White, Mr Pollack, Mr Young, Mr Kilpatrick, Mr Walls, Mr Barrie, Mr McHallam.
Mr MacGregor moved that a different coloured ticket be used for the next social. Mrs Marshall seconded the motion.
R Jackson
Special General Meeting In Town Hall
15 – 2 – 53
The minute of the previous meeting was adopted on the motion of Mr Cummock, seconded by Mr Clelland.
The president reported on the case against Mr J.G.T. Reid, and informed the meeting that Mr Reid had repaid £98-13/- up to date.
The president then reported receiving a pair of Sanquhar gloves as a donation to the Association and announced that the draw for the shawl would be made at the first social.
Mr Pollock moved that the time and date of the social be advertised in the local press. Mr Walls seconded the motion.
Mr Cummock moved that the association ask for the help of the Miner’s Union in getting something done against the dampness in the prefabs.
As there was no other business to discuss, the president declared the meeting closed.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting In Town Hall
1 – 3 – 53
The minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mr Pollock seconded by Mr McHallam.
The proceeds of the social held on 21st February 1953 were checked. The finding was as follows.
Total Income Total Expenditure Balance £28 – 9 – 2 £17 – 16 – 5 £10 – 12 – 9
Committee present was as follows: Mrs MacGregor, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Lamont, Mrs MacDonald, Mrs Sim, Mrs Rorrison, Mrs Murdoch. Mr Pollock, Mr Kilpatrick, Mr Wark, Mr Goudie, Mr Clelland, Mr Young, Mr McHallam, Mr McLatchie and Office Bearers.
The secretary read correspondence from the Western S.M.T., Macmillan & Howie and from the Socialist Medical Association. After discussion it was decided that Mr Jackson and Mr Paterson should meet the S.M.T. Traffic Manager.
Mr Goudie moved that the committee accept the offer of repayment made on behalf of Mr J.G.T. Reid. Mrs Marshall seconded the motion.
Mrs Sim moved that the association should donate £1 – 0 – 0 to the Socialist Medical Association, and that Mr Jackson and Mr Paterson be delegated to attend their conference. Mrs Marshall seconded the motion.
There was no further business, so the meeting was closed.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting At 1A Dalhanna Drive
The minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mr J. McHallam seconded by Mrs MacGregor.
The proceeds of the social held on the 21st March 1953 were checked. The finding was as follows.
Total Income Total Expenditure Balance £22 – 8 – 10 1/2 £18 – 19 – 4 £3 – 9 – 6 1/2
The committee present were as follows: Mrs MacGregor, Mrs Sim, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Lamont, Mr McHallam, Mr Pollock and all the Office Bearers.
After discussion it was decided that the £20 held by Mrs Rorrison be put into the bank until required.
It was decided to have a bus run on the 22nd August round the three lochs. All moneys to be handed in by the end of June.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting in Lesser Town Hall
13 – 9 – 53
The minute of the previous meeting was adopted on the motion of Mrs Marshall, seconded by R. Pollock.
After discussion it was decided to have the Annual General Meeting on Sunday the 18th of October, at 5. P.M.
It was decided that the whist drive should start at 6-30. P.M. prompt. Mrs Marshall, Mrs Lamont, Mrs MacGregor, Mrs Sim and Mrs MacDonald offered to donate prizes for the ladies.
Mr Clelland moved that the hall keeper be contacted regarding the use of dishes and table covers. Mr R. Pollock seconded the motion.
It was decided that, admission to whist and dance would be 3/6, and for the dance alone from 10 to 2 a.m. 2/-.
R Jackson
Annual General Meeting In Town Hall
The minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mr J. McHallam seconded by Mr Clelland.
Mr H. Brown, the senior auditor, gave his report. He stated that the Association had £456-5-0 in the bank, and £29-15-0 in hand. He stated that he had seen the bank book and checked the money in hand, and congratulated the officials of the Association especially the Joint Treasurers.
The President read a letter from Mr J. White, the second auditor. He congratulated the Association on having two such efficient Joint Treasurers.
The President Thanked the collectors for their fine work during the financial year ending 1953.
Mr A. Wark moved that the auditors report be accepted as satisfactory, and Mr Pollock seconded the motion.
Election of Office Bearers for Year Ending 1954
Mr J. McHallam moved that the Office Bearers and Committee be elected en bloc as present at the meeting. Mrs Murdoch seconded the motion.
After a discussion on benefits payable to permanently disabled men, Mr Pollock moved that the benefit be paid in full as at present. Mr R. White seconded the motion.
Mrs Sim moved that the association run a raffle for the New Year. Mrs MacGregor seconded the motion.
Mrs MacGregor moved that a Burns Supper be held. Mrs Sim seconded the motion.
As there was no further business to discuss the President closed the meeting.
R Jackson
General Meeting in the Town Hall
The minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mrs Goudie, seconded by Mr A. Wark.
The President explained the financial position and pointed out that at present the expenditure exceeded the income.
After discussion Mr Currie moved that a levy of 6D per week be added to the contribution for 3 months. Mr A. Wark seconded the motion.
Protests were made about the increase in rates, and it was decided to call a Rate Payers meeting.
Mr A. Wark proposed that the Association ask Mr H. Murray of Mossblown to act as Speaker at the Burns Supper. Mrs MacGregor seconded the motion.
Questions were asked about buses for the scheme. The President pointed out that at present, it lay in the hands of the Traffic Commission.
Mr Hastie moved that the Association forward a protest regarding buses for the scheme. Mrs Whiteford seconded the motion.
R Jackson
New Year Draw Prizes
1/2 Bottle of Whiskey 1 Cake @ 15/-
1/2 ” ” ” 2 Doz Eggs @ 11/-
1/2 Bottle of Gin 50 Cigarettes @ 9/-
1/2 ” ” Port £1 – 15- 0
1/2 ” ” Sherry
Committee Meeting in Town Hall
27 – 12 – 53
The minute off the previous meeting was read and adopted on the motion of Mr Clelland seconded by Mr Pollock.
After discussion and checking by committee, the New Year Draw finding was as follows.
Total Income Total Expenditure Balance £24 – 3 – 6 £9 – 15 – 0 £14 – 8 – 6
Committee present were as follows: Mrs MacGregor, Mrs Sim, Mrs Rorrison, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Murdoch. Messrs. Clelland, Pollock, McLatchie, White, Young, Goudie, and Kilpatrick and all Office Bearers.
The Secretary read a letter from Messrs. MacMillan and Howie, re water penetration in the Myton Houses. Mr McHallam moved that a test case be made and tested in Court. Mr McGregor seconded the motion.
After discussion it was decided to charge 3/6 for the Burns Supper Tickets.
The draw was made and the prizes awarded as follows:
Wee MacGregor 1/2 Bottle Whiskey
Donaldson: Cumnock 1/2 ” “
Mason: Afton Crescent 1/2 ” Port
Fleming: Dalhanna Drive 1/2 ” Gin
Young: Dalhanna Drive 1/2 ” Sherry
A. Whiteford 8 Connelview 1 Cake
Jas Bain. Cumnock 2 Doz. Eggs
Dickson. Lime Road 50 Cigarettes
As there was no other business to discuss the meeting was drawn to a close.
R Jackson
A General Meeting In Town Hall
The minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mr J. McHallam seconded by J. Hamilton.
Owing to the absence of the auditor the financial statement was read by Mr T. Hose, and a deficit of £31 – 11 – 2 1/2 was shown, and the President explained how the benefits paid had been very heavy.
Mr Rafferty asked if it would be possible to sell tickets to help out the financial situation.
- Mr McCaughtrie moved that the benefits scheme be overhauled at the end of the year.
- Mr Graham moved that the extra 6D levy be continued to the end of the financial year Mr Wark seconded the motion.
- Mr Allan moved that we revert to 1/- seconded by Mr White.
- Mr Goudie amended that the 1/6 continue to the end of the quarter only seconded by Mr Hamilton. This amendment was carried over the first motion and amendment.
A General Meeting In Town Hall
The minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mr Kilpatrick seconded by Mr J. Stewart
Mr T. Hose read the financial report for the quarter, and produced the bank book which was passed round the body of the hall.
Mr Nisbet moved that the contribution remain at 1/6. Mrs MacGregor seconded the motion.
Mr Goudie intimated to the meeting that he was giving in his collection books, owing to continual slurs he was receiving.
Mrs MacGregor moved that we advertise for collectors for these books, and that an open letter be inserted in the local press, explaining that the situation is entirely unpaid. Mr J. McHallam seconded the motion.
After discussion it was decided to have a committee meeting about a bus run.
Mr Black complained about a gas trench and his footpath.
Mrs Gall proposed that the bus run be through the Scott Country. Mr Hamilton seconded the motion.
The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting Town Hall
Minute of the last committee meeting read and adopted on the motion of J. McHallam seconded by T. Hose.
Mr Jackson reported on the progress made regarding water penetration in the Myton Houses.
After discussion it was decided that any tenant redecorating his or her house after repairs, without waiting to see if the repair was a success, do so at their own risk and liability.
Mr Walls moved that the contribution revert back to 1/- with effect from week commencing 7th June 1954. Mr Tennant seconded the motion,
There was no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting in Town Hall
Minute of previous meeting was read and adopted on the motion of Mr McGregor, seconded by Mr McHallam.
Subscription cards were given out where required.
The reply from the County Clerk re street lighting in the Greenhill and Farden Avenue area was read out.
After discussion it was decided to have the Annual General Meeting in the Town Hall on Sunday the 17th October, and the audit between the 8th and 16th.
R Jackson
Annual General Meeting in Town Hall
Minute of the last meeting approved on the motion of Mr J. McHallam seconded by Mr Hamilton.
Mr H. Brown the auditor gave his report, stating that everything was in good order, and went into detail about the income and expenditure, and gave figures, and stated the balance.
Mr Tennant moved that the auditor’s report be accepted as correct and Mr White seconded the motion.
The Chairman complimented the joint treasurers on the efficient way in which they kept their books, and thanked the collectors for their cooperation.
The secretary read the correspondence, and asked for representatives to meet the representatives of the S.S.H.A..
The business of the year was closed and re-election of office bearers and committee took place as follows:
Mr Cummock moved Mr Jackson be re-elected as chairman, Mr White seconded the motion.
Mr Pollock moved that Mr McHallam be re-elected as Vice-President, Mr Nisbet seconded the motion.
The secretary declined re-election.
Mr Goudie moved that Mr Cummock be elected as the new Secretary. Mr Tennant seconded the motion.
Mr Hose declined re-election as joint treasurer.
Mr Tennant moved that Mr Macgregor be re-elected as Treasurer, Mr Cummock seconded the motion. Mr J. McHallam proposed Mr J. Nisbet as joint treasurer Mr Goudie seconded the motion.
Mr J. McHallam moved that the committee and collectors be re-elected en bloc with the addition of Mr Nisbet as collector. Mr Tennant seconded the motion.
After discussion it was decided that the audit be left to the banker for the following year.
Mr McHallam moved that the County Council, the S.S.H.A. and the banker be consulted with a view to paying rents through the bank. Mrs MacGregor seconded the motion.
Mr Paterson moved that a ruling be made that all members who want to receive benefit, must produce their first and last medical certificates to the chairman, Mr McHallam seconded the motion.
Mr Brown moved that legal advice be sought on the electricity assessment. Mr Tennant seconded the motion.
Mr Cummock moved that Mr Walls or a representative of Dalhanna Drive accompany the chairman to the lawyer. Mr Tennant seconded the motion.
Mr McHallam and Mrs MacGregor withdrew their motion about sending rents through the bank.
Mr Brown moved that only new members pay the annual 2/6. Mr Pollock seconded the motion.
Mr Paterson moved that the 2/6 annual contribution be left on. Mrs MacGregor seconded the motion.
On the show of hands the amendment was carried by one hand or vote.
The chairman thanked Mr Paterson and Mr Hose for their services.
Mrs MacGregor moved that the association contribute £20 towards the welfare of Spastic Children. Mrs Goudie seconded the motion.
Mr Goudie moved that the donation be £10. Mr Hose seconded the motion.
On the show of hands the motion was carried.
It was moved by Mr Pollock that the two retiring officials be given a present for services rendered. The present is to be decided on by the committee. Mr Young seconded the motion.
R Jackson
[The next page of the Minutes contains a re-written version of the previous Minutes]
Town Hall Annual General Meeting
New Cumnock 17/10/54
The meeting was opened, with Mr Robert Jackson presiding.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on the Motion of Mr J. McHallam seconded by M Hamilton.
A report was given by Mr Hugh Brown, the auditor, stating that everything was in good order, and a detailed account of income and expenditure was given, and figures, showing the balance.
It was moved by Mr Tennant, seconded by W White, that we accept this report as correct, this was adopted.
The Chairman complimented the joint treasurers, in the efficient way, they had carried out their duties and had kept their books, and thanked the collectors for their cooperation.
The secretary read the correspondence, and asked for representatives of this association, to meet the representatives of the S.S.H.A.
The Business of the year was closed, and the re-election of office bearers and committee took place as follows,
President & Chairman – Mr Robert Jackson – Moved by S. Cummock – Seconded by Mr J. White
Vice President – Mr McHallam – Moved by Mr Pollock – Seconded by Mr Nisbet
Secretary – S. Cummock – Moved by Mr Goudie – Seconded by Mr Tennent
Treasurer – Mr McGregor – Moved by Mr Tennent – Seconded by S. Cummock
Joint Treasurer – Mr Nisbet – Moved by Mr McHallam – Seconded by Mr Goudie
It was moved by Mr J. McHallam and seconded by Mr Tennent that the committee and collectors, be re-elected en bloc, with the addition of Mr Nisbet as collector.
On the discussion of appointing auditors, it was adopted that the auditing for the following year, be left to Mr Fleming the banker.
It was moved by Mr J. Patterson seconded by Mr McHallam, that all members entitled to draw benefit, must produce their first and last medical certificates to the chairman.
A motion by Mr Hugh Brown sec by Mr Tennent, that legal advice be sought, regards electricity assessment was adopted, and it was agreed that a representative from Dalhanna Drive should accompany the chairman on his visit to the Lawyer.
A motion that only new members should pay the annual 2/6 was put forward by Mr H. Brown sec by Mr Pollock. An amendment by Mr J. Patterson sec by Mrs McGregor that this 2/6 should remain to be paid by all members annually, was carried, and the motion defeated by 12 votes to 11.
The chairman thanked Mr J Patterson and Mr Hose for their services in the past.
It was moved by Mrs McGregor seconded by Mrs Goudie that the association donate £20 towards the welfare of Spastic Children. An amendment by Mr Goudie sec by Mr Hose, that we Donate £10, was defeated and the motion carried.
It was moved by Mr Pollock Sec by Mr Young, that a present be given to the two retiring officials Mr Patterson Mr Hose, for services rendered, and that the decision concerning this be left to the committee.
As this was all the business of the evening, the meeting closed, with a vote of thanks to the chairman.
S Cummock Secy
R Jackson
Special General Meeting
Town Hall 24/10/54 New Cumnock
The members of the association met in the above stated place, with Mr Robert Jackson as chairman.
The president intimated to the meeting, that he had called it, for the purpose of straightening out some difficulty that had arose, concerning the offices of Treasurer and Joint Treasurer.
Mr Jackson stated, that knowing these posts necessitated book keeping, he approached Mr Nisbet, who had been voted to the post of Joint Treasurer, at the Annual General Meeting, and explained this to him, asking Mr Nisbet if he had any experience in this matter, and Mr Nisbet agreed he had no knowledge of book-keeping and would be quite willing to let the Treasurer carry on with the job himself, but later, Mr Nisbet claimed his place as voted for at the Annual General Meeting, namely that of Joint Treasurer, and hence the calling of this meeting.
The Treasurer Mr McGregor stated to the meeting, that he would not stand responsible, for errors, or otherwise, of any one assisting him in this job, and if he was to carry on, he would have to do the job himself, otherwise his office would be open for nomination as from now.
After a lengthy discussion regarding this matter, Mr Nisbet declined his position, and the meeting approved, that Mr McGregor be responsible for the Treasurer’s post himself.
Regarding a statement made, that the president was using bullying tactics towards his office bearers, was unfounded, and a vote of confidence, was given to Mr Robert Jackson.
Although this was a special meeting, it was agreed to extend it to further business.
Ref a circular received from the British, Polish Friendship Society, offering their services to show films on the life of Poland, it was moved and seconded, that the Secy write to obtain more information.
It was agreed that the Secy write S.W. Ayrshire Electricity Board regarding the absence of lights in Greenhill and Farden Ave..
The question of obtaining a light for the Temple Rd. was raised, and the president explained, that they had already looked into this matter, but that some other action might have to be taken.
As this was all the business of the meeting, it was duly closed, with a vote of thanks to the chairman.
S. Cummock Secy
R Jackson
Special General Meeting
[Wrong year written down and uncorrected – it should be 1954]
Town Hall 19/12/52 New Cumnock
The members of the above Association met in the lesser Town Hall on the above date, with Mr Robert Jackson presiding.
The chairman explained in detail to the members, the outcome of the meeting with Mr Findlay (the General Manager of the S.S.H.A.) Re a suggestion put forward by Mr Findlay, that a joint consultative meeting should take place, between the S.S.H.A., and this Association, it was agreed that we should adhere to this, and the following members were nominated to represent the Tenants.
Mr R. Jackson, Mr S. Cummock, Mr J. Patterson, Mr D. White.
A letter from Mr Porter was read, offering two keys for the purpose of turning off water at Mains, should this be needed, in the event of burst pipes during frosty weather.
It was agreed that we accept this offer, and ask for three or four keys instead of two.
The case of a member failing to produce a medical certificate during the first week of his absence of work was discussed, and as it was pointed out to the meeting by Mr T. Walls, that there was nothing stated in the rules, saying when a member should hand in a medical certificate, it was moved by Mr Tennant seconded by Mr T. Walls, that rule 6 of the New Cumnock Tenants Association, should now read as follows “Medical certificates must be dated from Monday to Saturday, and produced to this Association not more than three days from start of illness, benefits being paid by discretion of committee.
The Secretary was instructed to write County Council regarding building of steps through short cut between Greenbraes and Farden Ave..
The Secretary was instructed to write Postmaster General, re the placing of letter box at Farden Ave, and a Telephone Kiosk at Lochbrowan.
As this was all the business of the meeting it was duly closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman.
S. Cummock
R Jackson
Special General Meeting
Town Hall New Cumnock 6.2.55
The members of the Association met in the above place, at 4.30 PM, with Mr Robert Jackson presiding.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on the motion of Mrs McGregor seconded by Mr Currie.
Mr Jackson gave his report to the members, regards the progress made through discussions between Committee members and representatives from the S.S.H.A., and reported the action being taken by the S.S.H.A. to combat water penetration in the houses in New Cumnock
The Chairman drew the attention of members to the New Rule of 19.12.54, stating medical certificates must promptly be handed in.
Mrs Blair brought to notice the case of totally sick or permanently disabled members, who were receiving 13 weeks benefit each year, and suggested that this practice should be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting.
A motion by Mr White seconded by Mr Gilmour that the Secy write the Traffic Manager of the S.M.T. at Kilmarnock, requesting that buses for workers run direct from the scheme to the pits was carried.
As this was all the business of the meeting, it was closed, with a vote of thanks to the chairman.
S. Cummock
R Jackson
[There is a gap of 8 months from the previous minutes in February 1955 to the next in October 1955. The minute book looks as if pages have been removed.]
Committee Meeting In Town Hall
2nd October 1955
After discussion it was decided that owing to the end of the financial year being on 18th October, all books should be handed in to the treasurer by 9th October.
It was moved that the A.G.M. be held at 5 p.m. on the 16th October, by Mr McHarg seconded by Mr T. Walls.
The Chairman asked the collectors to inform all members that the A.G.M. was taking place on the 16th October.
R Jackson
Annual General Meeting
Town Hall
16th October 1955
Adoption of minute of previous meeting moved by Mr McHallam seconded by Mr Pollock.
The cases of the totally unfit members were discussed. The Chairman pointed out that the number has increased yearly, until the Association now carries 13 totally unfit men.
The Chairman explained that the case of getting buses to the Castle Pit was now in the hands of the Pit Consultative Committee.
The Treasurer read his report. Mr White moved the adoption of the report, and Mr Bickerton seconded the motion. The Treasurer’s book was passed round for inspection.
The election of Office Bearers and committee then took place.
Mr J. McHallam moved reelection of the Chairman seconded by Mr J. White
Mr MacGregor moved reelection of Secretary seconded by J. Young.
Mr J. White moved re-election of Mr MacGregor as Treasurer seconded by Mr T. Hunter.
Mr J. Kilpatrick moved re-election of Vice President, seconded by Mr MacGregor.
The Chairman thanked the collectors for their co-operation in the previous year. Several collectors refused re-election into the committee. The Chairman suggested a discussion on the matter take place.
Mr J. McHallam moved that four paid collectors, collect from the full membership. Mr R. Pollock seconded. After discussion it was agreed that the Office Bearers appoint other collectors if found necessary.
- Mr McGinn moved Mr J. White as collector and committee member, Mrs MacGregor seconded.
- Mr MacGregor moved Mr J. White as collector and committee member seconded by Mr T. Hunter.
- Mrs MacGregor moved Mr J. McHallam as collector and committee member seconded by Mr R. Pollock.
- Mr J. Kilpatrick moved Mr W. Bickerton as collector and committee member, seconded by Mr T. Walls.
Mr J. Kilpatrick moved that if a disabled person was in full benefit for two years, he be ineligible for further membership but they could join their oldest worker in their place. This new member came straight on to benefit. Mr McHallam seconded the motion.
Mr T. Walls moved that where a member retired he was ineligible for benefit, but a disabled man should be allowed to carry on in benefit indefinitely. Mr R. Pollock seconded the motion. The motion was carried by 9 votes against 5 for the amendment.
Mr T. Walls enquired as to the reason for non-payment of death benefit to Mr Withy. After the collector concerned explained that Mr Withy had only joined the association after becoming ill, Mr Jackson explained the reason for non-payment. That is that a member must be fully paid up, that is, 13 weeks @ 2/6, before being eligible for any benefit.
Mr MacGinn enquired as to the possibility of the buses going further up the Lime Road. Mr Jackson explained that from past experience this would be a hopeless task, and explained where the route would be when the scheme was completed.
Mr McGinn moved that £5 be donated to the auditor Mr R. Pollock seconded. Carried unanimously.
As there was no further business the meeting was closed.
R Jackson
Special General Meeting in Town Hall
Sunday 18th December 1955
This was a general meeting for the purpose of discussing the purchase a recreation hall.
The Chairman told the members present about a hut for sale second hand in the district. Then the secretary read out an estimate from J. & W. Provan Ltd. of Ayr, regarding purchase and erection of a new hall.
After some discussion, Mr J. Whyte moved that the association purchase the new hut, as the members he collected from were demanding a hut.
Mr Tennant seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously.
It was decided that the secretary get in touch with other firms to see if a better estimate could be got.
It was explained that this hall had to be self maintained, and any money advanced from the Association would have to be returned at some future date.
After discussion it was decided to go ahead with all arrangements and call another meeting before actually purchasing the hall. It was decided to inform all members by leaflet for this meeting.
As there was no other business to discuss the Chairman closed the meeting.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting at 6 Lochbrowan Crescent
Sunday 12th February 1956
Present: Mr MacGregor, Mr J. Paterson, Mr J. McHallam, Mr J. White, Mr J. Hamilton
The secretary read the minutes of the last committee meeting. Mr McHallam moved the adoption of the minutes and Mr J. White seconded.
After discussion about benefit paying, and members not bringing in their lines, it was moved by Mr J. White that hand-bills be printed and issued to all members regarding same. Mr MacGregor seconded the motion.
The handing in of all money collected by collectors was discussed and the collectors promised faithfully to hand in their collections.
R Jackson
Half Yearly General Meeting in Town Hall
22nd April 1956
Present at Meeting were: Mr Jackson, Mr McGregor, Mr Hamilton, Mr J. White and Mr W. Bickerton.
Minute of previous meeting was read, and Mr J. White moved its adoption. Mr White seconded the motion.
The Treasurer read the financial report for the half year.
Mr Bickerton moved its adoption and Mr Hamilton seconded the motion.
As there was no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed by Mr Jackson.
R Jackson
General Meeting In Town Hall
20th May 1956
Present: Messrs Jackson, Paterson, MacGregor, McHallam, J. White, J. Hamilton, J. Clapperton, R. Pollock, J. White, H. McGinn & J. Young. Mrs Marshall, McDonald and MacGregor.
Mr J. Hamilton moved adoption of previous meeting, and Mr J. White seconded.
Mr Jacjson explained the working of the benefit scheme and of the disadvantage to the Treasurer of the present system.
After discussion on this matter, Mr J. White moved that the rents be paid directly to the Ayr County Council, and the S.S.H.A., Mr Young seconded the motion.
Mr Jackson then explained that the new system would come into effect as soon as all members were notified by pamphlet, and the co-operation of the House Factors obtained.
The case where the Associations had difficulty with a member was explained, and Mr Clapperton moved that the member be expelled, and Mrs Marshall seconded. The collector was then instructed to stop calling on the said member. Mr J. Clapperton moved that the member be notified about the decision of the meeting. Mrs Marshall seconded the motion.
Mr J. White asked if Mrs MacGregor could receive some token of gratitude from the Association, as she had all the bother of the paying out. It was decided to have this on the table.
As there was no further business, the President closed the meeting.
R. Jackson (President)
Committee Meeting at 1A Dalhanna Drive
Sunday 14/10/56
Minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of J.McHallam, seconded by Mr Hamilton.
It was moved by Mr MacGregor that certain tenants who are in arrears should be given the benefit of the doubt on this occasion, but it should be impressed on all members that in future, no benefit will be paid to any member whose arrears exceed four weeks. The motion was seconded by Mr McHallam.
Correspondence from the Scottish Council of Tenants Associations was read by the Secretary. After discussion it was decided to leave it until the Annual General Meeting to see what action should be taken.
R Jackson
Committee Meeting at 1A Dalhanna Drive
Present: R. Jackson, J. Paterson, Mrs MacGregor, J. McHallam, J. McDonald, W. Jackson
The minute of the previous meeting was approved on the motion of Mr W. Jackson seconded by Mr McHallam.
Rule 10 came under discussion as there was a variance of opinion on how it should be enforced, and who it should effect. After discussion it was agreed that the rule only effects totally disabled or unfit persons.
Mr J. McHallam moved that, any person found doing any kind of work whilst on benefit, should be refused further benefit, Mr J. McDonald seconded. The committee agreed on this unanimously.
R Jackson
Annual General Meeting in Town Hall
Mr J. McHallam moved adoption of previous minute Mr J. Clapperton seconded.
The Secretary read correspondence from the Scottish Council of Tenants Associations
Mrs Blair moved that the Tenants Association be represented to the full at Edinburgh demonstration. Mr R. White seconded the motion.
The Treasurer read his report, and the book was passed around the hall for all to see. Mr R. Pollock moved adoption of the report, Mr Clapperton seconded.
The election of Office Bearers and committee then took place.
Mrs Blair moved re-election of the Chairman. Mr R. Pollock seconded the motion.
Mr Clapperton moved re-election of Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-President. Mrs Blair seconded.
The committee and collectors remained the same after discussion.
Mrs Blair moved that rule eight be altered to read “Benefits will be paid for six consecutive days absence from work.” Mr R. Pollock seconded the motion. Mr T. Clapperton moved amendment that it remain as it is. Mr W. Jackson seconded
Amendment was carried by 8 votes to 6.
R. Pollock moved that the collectors be paid £9 in the next six months. Mr R. White seconded the motion. The meeting was closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman.
R Jackson
More to follow