I never appreciated what an interesting place New Cumnock could be for wildlife until I moved back here more that ten years ago. The fact that the garden faced on to a field and had a rose bush at the fence seemed to make a difference. This seemed to appeal to birds and hedgehogs. The hedgehogs could move about under cover as darkness fell and were hidden from view. The garden attracted passing birds, weasels, cats and all sorts of wildlife. I learned to kept my camera in the dining room for photographic opportunities.
I was sitting at the computer today Saturday 30th March at 12.45pm when I noticed a movement in the garden. It was the usual visitor.
New Cumnock Garden 2
New Cumnock Garden 3
A woodpecker has been visiting the garden for years and usually goes after the peanuts but in these photos it was the fatballs. Sadly, I have not seen it since December 2018.