Pat&Mary Dornan

The Patrick And Mary Dornan Collection

Over 110 pictures from two of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet
Both Mary and Patrick were born and bred in New Cumnock, Mary was born at Craigbank in South Western Road in 1936, attending the Bank School whilst Patrick was born in 1937 in Bell Conn’s room in Glebe Street and attended the Town School.  Mary Worked in Trotter’s factory for 18 months after leaving school at 15, then started at the new Halls factory, where she worked till 1981 when she was made redundant.  Patrick lived in the Afton Buildings till he was 14, before moving to Lochbrowan Crescent and stayed there till he married Mary on the 30th August 1957, by which time Mary was living in Redree Place. They have a son John, who married Rena and have two grand children Lee and Lyle. Patrick now retired, started work in the Bank No. 1 pit and after 15 years took up a job at Chemstrand, later to be called Monsanto.  From there he worked at Fenners in Cumnock until it closed in 1990. They started married life at the Honeymoon Row before getting a house in Farden Avenue with the luxury of an inside toilet.  They also lived in Ashmark and latterly Afton Bridgend.

 I would like to thank both Patrick and Mary for supplying the pictures you see below as it is donations like this that make the site worthwhile.  I hope you all enjoy them.